UX/UI Designer, Entrepreneur, & Fitness Expert
Pages from IMSS Museum App-2.jpg

International Museum of Surgical Science

App Design

The International Museum

of Surgical Science App:

Case Study

Visual representation of Pain and Pain Management exhibit

MY ROLE: Project Manager, UX Researcher, UI Designer | TOOLS: Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator | TIMELINE: 2 Weeks

Problem Statement

The International Museum of Surgical Science needs an engaging visual representation for their Pain and Pain Management exhibit to appeal to a general audience.


109 Responses

“What is your favorite museum type?”
37% Art Museums | 33% History Museums
“Who do you usually go to the museum with?”
45% with Family | 34% with Friends
“Would you visit a museum virtually?”
38% NO | 36% YES
“How do you receive updates about local museums?”
52% Social Media
“Are you currently an active member at a museum?”
93% NO

Split by the demographic groups of survey takers and the user interview conducted, we developed the following personas for potential app users (if they had known it existed).

How might we provide an

interactive experience

for in-person and

virtual visitors?

I visited the Museum of Science in Boston to gather ideas on how it makes science accessible to non-scientists and children. I participated in interactive experiences, including one about the factors influencing the age when people leave home. The graph, based on responses from 150 museum visitors, displayed the age range when individuals moved out, considering factors like gender and household size.

Left: Data Visualization by Museum of Science, Boston | Right: Data Visualization by our App.

Next, we created our mood board by looking at direct and indirect competitors. We collected medical and art history images and defined the app's design style and mood.

We focused on designing certain pages of the museum that is showing in the site map below.

Cherie, our primary persona, enters the app and follows the path outlined in our user flow.

IDEATION — Sketches

Based on our survey findings indicating that art and history museums are highly popular destinations, we've developed an interactive experience called "PAINTress your Pain." This experience blends art and history to explore the subjective nature of pain and its expression through paintings.

In "PAINTress your Pain," users rate the intensity of their most recent pain on a scale of 1 to 5 by selecting a corresponding painting. For instance, a Van Gogh painting might be rated a 5, signifying an intense pain experience. Subsequently, users can view the average rating given by previous visitors to the same painting, providing insight into the collective perception of pain associated with that artwork.

This innovative approach combines art appreciation with introspection, offering users a unique perspective on the intersection of pain, emotion, and artistic expression.


Usability Testing

Usability Results

TASK 1: Locate the “Pathway of Pain” exhibit.
Version 1: 83% success | Version 2: 90% success

TASK 2: Locate the “Express Pain” exhibit
and play the “PAINTress your pain” activity.
Version 1: 83.3% success | Version 2: 91.7% success

Based on the feedback collected, most testers wanted to see an introduction about “PAINtress your PAIN” before playing. We explained the experience, which could be skipped and continued.